New Year, New Me? Prolly Not…
Well it’s 2022 y’all. Somehow we freakin made it. I don’t know bout y’all but I am ready for a chill year please! You’d think after the crazy last two years I wouldn’t even bother setting goals, and yet here I am. And not only am I setting them but GASP! I’m sharing them with you guys, meaning everyone will know if I succeed or not…
I made myself an e-vision board this year by photoshopping images to represent my business goals. It’s the background on my phone and computer. It’s supposed to to trick your brain into thinking you’ve already accomplished the goal so the act of reaching the goal is easier. Your brain sees it constantly and thinks you’ve done it, so it doesn’t tell you all the reasons you can’t succeed. Big surprise most of my goals are farm related in one way or another.
The first goal I set…I want to get monetized on YouTube. Not because I actually need to, I just think it would be fun to know you have enough subscribers and watch hours that YouTube is willing to reward you for your content. I mean, I’m gonna make the videos regardless, but how cool to actually hit those numbers? And the more followers and watch hours I have, the more YouTube bumps me into new people’s suggested stuff, allowing me to maybe reach more people with my stuff. Last I checked I’m at 600 subs and 2,700 hours. Bumping those numbers should be fairly easy if I’ll actually post the videos I make, instead of dooming them to a save file on the computer never to see the light of day.
The next goal is to get the Elbon Mill Farm Facebook page to 1000 followers. My friend Christina at Kiska’s Rabbitry and Coops hit 1000 last month and it seemed like a decent goal to shoot for. The farm page currently has 700 followers. Yes, I do still believe FB is the devil, but sometimes you gotta work with what you’ve got, so apparently I’m making a deal with the devil.
I want to expand my farming social media empire to more than just FB, so I’m going to post more regularly on Instagram. I’m not a huge IG fan, but I do know a lot of people go there to avoid the drama of FB. So I figured I might as well post there too and shoot for 500 followers. Currently I’m at 150 followers on IG.
This next goal is somewhat not in my control. It requires the rabbits to cooperate and breed like…well…rabbits. If you raise rabbits, you know how that usually works out. I want to finish getting everyone test bred and culling out my cataract carriers. I used this picture because the baby on the top is Iapetus, my favorite rex buck who I still haven’t managed to clear as cataract free yet, cuz the girls haven’t been cooperating. I want him to be cataract free so bad!
This goal is a twofer goal. As some of y’all now know, I’ve started a side hustle for my side hustle. 😂 I’m making fae houses from dried gourds, terrariums with fae decorations, and jewelry that is also…wait for it…fae inspired. There’s clearly a theme. Honestly The Fae Farm let’s me combine all things I love to do (craft, make jewelry, fairy gardens) under one project name. I’ve got Facebook, Instagram, and an Etsy account for The Fae Farm. I’d like to have both of the social media accounts at 300 followers by the end of the year.
And the last farm goal has to do with this blog itself. I want to write a farm blog post every single week for the entire year of 2022. The Elbon Mill Farm website isn’t beholden to Zuckerberg or any of the other social media folk. I pay for my website. So even if I somehow manage to get kicked off every social media platform, I’ll still have my farm website. I would like to have these blog posts to look back on some day, or for my grandkids to see what granny was up to before they were born. Surely since I never shut up, I can find something to write about each week. This is one week down, fifty one more to go!
Well these are my business goals for 2022. I think they’re attainable as long as I don’t get lazy. I think they’ll definitely require me to push myself, but they’ll be fun too. Are you setting 2022 goals? Anyone want to take bets on 2022 being an easy/hard year? 😂
I’m glad to see more posts from you again! I would get off FB too except for my farming groups and the fact my kids’ schools use it for so much. You inspire me to keep up with my goals and not give up. Good luck this year!
I missed everyone, turns out the farm critters aren’t much for conversation, so the internet is where I get most of my social interaction 😂
Thanks and good luck with your goals too ☺️